Wadi Rum- Bedouin Camp

By Dave Nguyen

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The Bedouin are a nomadic people that inhabit most of the Middle East. They live a basic lifestyle and spend their time graving there animals throughout the desert, and periodically moving places depending on the seasons. The Bedouins are known for their hospitality, and we experience this first hand in Wadi Rum while staying at Bedouin Advisor Camp.

I had never really heard of Wadi Rum until I started planning for my Trip to Jordan. However once you start to look at pictures and reviews, it seems that everyone who goes falls completely in love.

We opted for the one day trip/night which included a camel ride, 4×4 ride, and some scrambling/hiking. This was perfect for us, as we wanted to try a short camel ride, as well as some 4×4 and hiking and we were a bit strapped for time.

We started by meeting up with Ayesh at his family home, where we met his family and had some Bedouin Tea with his family and kids. It was a really cool experience to talk to Bedouins and understand their lifestyle.

We than heading out for a 2 hour camel ride from his home to Lawrence Springs. I am so glad we didn’t opt for a longer camel ride, because honestly for a guy it wasn’t very comfortable. It did make for some awesome pictures though!

Dave Nguyen riding camel in Jordan

Once we made it to Lawrence Springs a 4×4 picked us up, it was a pretty sweet 1982 Toyota Pickup with seats in the truck bed! It was really awesome to be flying down the sand in a open air vehicle, and not being able to see another soul in site.

We spent a full day exploring, scrambling and hiking up mountains. Our guide was amazing and informative and a lot of fun. We stopped to have lunch in an awesome little spot overlooking much of Wadi Rum, and literally we couldn’t see another car or person in site. Truly understand why people call this place like Mars.

We did some sand boarding and once it was about time for sunset, we returned back to our camp. I’m not much of a fan of camping, however these bedouin tents were fantastic with comfortable beds and nice seating.

They prepared a traditional Zarb meal for us, which means the food is cooked under the sand for the entire day, and after spending a day hiking in the desert it was much needed. Bedouin Advisor Camp backs onto a small cliff, so we all climbed up to watch the sunset.

The next morning we had breakfast and made our way out. Our little Toyota truck had some little mechanical problems however with some tape and some laughter, it was able to get started.

We did pass an even older truck that didn’t have as much luck though…


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